
Olivier Bélanger - Audio Software Developer and Teacher



Olivier Bélanger (1977) completed in February 2009 a doctorate in electroacoustic composition, computer music and software development orientation, at the Université de Montréal, under the direction of Jean Piché and Caroline Traube. His work has focused on creating a model of singing voice synthesis, developing algorithmic controls of synthesis tools and designing audio softwares.

As an audio software developer, his projects focus on algorithms for audio synthesis, sound transformation and new environments for audio programming and live coding. His work allows composers and sound designers to manipulate sound creatively (Cecilia, Soundgrain, ServerGris) as well as to explore the different paradigms of audio signal processing (DSPDemo, Plugex, CookDSP). Its pyo audio module is used all over the world, both in teaching and production.

From 2003 to 2020, Olivier was a lecturer at the Faculty of Music at the Université de Montréal where he taught courses on digital signal processing theory and audio programming. As such, he has contributed significantly to the program by designing numerous courses and creating multiple teaching resources (course notes, tools and software). Over the years, he has taught audio programming and digital signal processing with Csound, MaxMSP, Puredata, Python, C/C++ and Reaper's plugin language JS.

Olivier now works at Audiokinetic as a software developer in the Cross Platform team.


Software Design and Development (2005 - today)

Teaching (2003 - 2020)

Creation and teaching of the following courses:

Individual follow-up:

Course notes and teaching materials developed for the Python/pyo and Puredata classes:

Sound Engineer (2000 - 2005)

From 2000 to 2005, Olivier worked as technical director and sound engineer for Code d'accès and Réseaux des arts médiatiques.



Le cycle des voix is composed of four sections.

The seven pieces of Le cycle des voix can be listened to on SoundCloud.




Olivier's music can be listened to on SoundCloud and on Radio Pyo.

Video Links
